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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Manifesto war

Posted: The Chronicle Thursday, April 30, 2009

By Charles Takyi-Boadu
The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has denied either doctoring or altering the content of the party’s manifesto to sway Ghanaians from the commitments and promises made on and before 2008 general elections, which brought them to power.
The party says it has no intention to do such a thing and, therefore, rubbished claims by the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), which sought to suggest that the party and NDC government was out there to deceive Ghanaians.
In an exclusive interview with The Chronicle, the Greater Accra Regional Chairman of the party, Daniel Anang said there was no iota of truth in the claims being made by the NPP and, therefore, urged Ghanaians to treat it with the contempt that it deserves.”I can assure you that we haven’t changed any part of our manifesto”, he said.
He noted that just after the party outdoored its manifesto, somebody tried to make money out of it by producing an abridged version of the document, which contained the highlights of the main manifesto, to sell to people.
He noted that this was done without the due consent and approval of the party and it could not be described as the original document which still remains unchanged. He said “even I didn’t bother buying one, because people called and told me about the existence of an abridged form of the manifesto …and that is when I realized that somebody was making money out of our manifesto.”
To him, the NPP is only trying to do politics with the issue, since according to him, their claims have no merit.
Mr. Anang also questioned the moral right of the NPP as a party to question President Mills and his NDC government’s 100 days in office. Whilst he agrees that the President has not been able to achieve all the targets set, the Regional Chairman said they managed to reduce fuel prices among others.
“We are not chasing into the church rooms, we are not making a lot of noise, you know, we are not asking people to proceed on leave, we haven’t started putting people before the court, so we are not making a lot of noise”, he said.
To him, that is how the NPP sees the NDC. He stressed that “in their first hundred days, they used it to harass their opponents, so they were always in the news, they said NDC is corrupt, NDC is this and that is what they did in the first hundred days, you should tell me exactly what they did in their first hundred days that we are not doing today”.
He emphasised that they NDC as a party and government in power will not in anyway be swayed by the disturbances and detractions of the NPP, saying “we will not go the NPP way, that is why in our first hundred days, we haven’t done anything of the sort, but as our President continues to say, the law should take its course.”

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